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sedikit celah; layaknya jendela untuk kau lebih jauh mengenalku...

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009

Psikoterapi Untuk Orang Yang Akan Meninggal Dunia

"Dokter memvonis saudara kamu hanya berumur dua tahun lagi".
Tiba-tiba kamu merasa iba mendengar berita tersebut. Sebagai saudara perasaan kamu pasti ikut kacau, apalagi apa yang dirasakan oleh orang tersebut.
Okeyh, di sini akan diulas mengenai psikoterapi untuk orang yang akan meninggal. Kebetulan tadi aku lagi baca-baca jurnal penelitian tentang hal tersebut. Namun, sayangnya dalam bahasa Inggris. Aku pikir, readers udah pada pandai bahasa Inggris, jadi aku cuplikkan kesimpulan jurnal tersebut.

What Can Psychotherapy Offer the Dying Person?

Basically psychotherapy offers the dying person much the same that it offers anyone - a supportive relationship in which the individual has opportunities to work on significant personal concerns. The unique life situation of the dying person places limits on the process of therapy and demands greater modesty on the part of therapists regarding possible outcomes. Regardless of theoretical orientations therapists working with dying patients rely first and foremost on communication. Therapy is best used as a forum for exchanging information, educating, expressing fears, and discussing needs.

What are the Goals of Therapy with Dying Patients?
The major goals of therapy with the dying patient can be summarized in a few simple statements.
1. To allow open communication with patients regarding their conditions, and to provide honest, factual information about those conditions.
2. To facilitate the expression of important emotions and to help patients learn to manage these emotions as well possible under the circumstances.
3. To provide a relationship in which patients can experience support in the confrontation with death.
4. To intervene between patients and other significant people such as family, friends, and medical staff.

(Nah, bagi temen2 yang mau jurnal tersebut kontak ajah emailku, tar aku kirimkan gituu... Met belajar yagh!)


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